I am a member of the Patisserie Paris team, and I’ve written this post for my colleagues.
We’re sorry to report that our office in Paris has become too small. And we don’t have the time to build a new one here in London, so we are going to have to open our doors somewhere else.
As you can imagine, this is not an easy decision for us. We love the city but it has its downsides – for example, it can be very difficult to get around (especially when you get stuck on the Eurostar line). In addition, Paris is cold at night (which is why we keep our doors open at night!). But above all, it’s simply too expensive to run a business in Paris. And between taxes and having to pay rent every month out of our own pockets… It doesn’t matter how wonderful you may be; if your salary is low or your hours are long (and we know that some people panic at those thoughts), then you won’t be able to make ends meet.
But maybe there are other reasons why it would be better if we moved? Maybe there are other European cities where we could live and work more affordably? France doesn’t seem like such a bad idea after all…
So as part of our relocation strategy I have decided that I will write a post about what Patisserie Paris could look like in another city. We will share how we think it would work, what kind of people would want it and what kind of jobs they might need – without compromising on quality or quality of life…
I hope you will enjoy reading this post – and let us know what you think!

The History of Parisian Patisserie
Patisserie Paris is a monthly event featuring the best food and pastry from around the world. The goal of this blog is to share our experiences with Parisian patisserie paris. We’ve created a calendar of events, events in progress, awards, and the best patisserie paris around the world.
In addition to our regular events, we’ve also featured some of our most popular recipes. In this post you can read about how to make Meringue Buttercream and Parisian Chocolate Fondant.
For more information on patisserie paris, check out our website (or watch this video).
Famous French Pastries and Where to Find Them
The Parisian patisserie is a widely recognized symbol of French cuisine, it’s a misconception that the French don’t know how to make good food. France’s reputation as an innovator in food and wine is well-known and highly respected throughout the world. And it’s arguable that the most important reason for its popularity is that it has always been a place where people could find great food without having to leave the comfort of their own home (in fact, some say that Parisians have even become so accustomed to their food that they do not even notice when they are eating out).
This image is not entirely true (you can still get bad stuff in France). According to The Economist, “only 18% of French people eat at home every day, compared with 25% of Americans and 28% of Germans.” But we don’t have to go far outside of Paris for good food: in ports along the Mediterranean coast, seafood dishes are very popular. In fact, some think that these regions are the best places in Europe for seafood:
As you might expect from any event over two thousand years old, there are plenty of historical places around which one could focus on what has happened there over those years. We will focus on five famous restaurants which can be considered as part of the heritage of France’s gastronomy:

In this case we chose five particularly famous restaurants: Le Puy du Fou (this restaurant was originally built by Jean de Dinteville de Fresne), located somewhere in Normandy;
Bistrot Lutetia located somewhere on rue Saint-Jacques in Dijon;
Le Pavillon d’Antin located somewhere near Fleury-Mérogis (in Burgundy); and
Le Pavillon Vert located somewhere near Vincennes near Paris? In this case we chose five particularly famous restaurants: La Belle Epoque located somewhere in Normandy; Bistrot Lutetia located somewhere on rue Saint-Jacques in Dijon; Le Pavillon d’Antin located somewhere near Fleury-Mérogis (in Burgundy); Le Pavillon Vert located somewhere near Vincennes near Paris? Le Pavillion Vert was constructed during World War II by Major General Charles De Gaulle and opened on November 30th 1944. It was open 24 hours a day until October 15th 1950 and was closed again indefinitely until July 1
How To Make Pastries Like a Parisian
From making croissants, pain au chocolat, and macarons to making the best jams and jellies – a Parisian patisserie has a long history, with people around the world being familiar with its products.
Here is my top tip for the Parisian patisserie: start making your own jam! It is so easy and really does make a big difference in the café’s ambiance.

It’s not only because I am from France and love the taste of jam (and I actually do) — but it’s also because it is such an easy way to add some flavor to your cafe food. But if you are not lucky enough to be able to find local jellies, or if you want to try something new, here are some recipes that I think will be useful for many different kinds of jams:
1.) Strawberry Jam : Strawberry jam is one of my favorite summertime treats. This recipe is not only delicious but it also has a good amount of strawberry flavor that can be cultivated at home.
2.) Cherry Jam : A nice sweet cherry jam can be made at home with no special equipment necessary. Just put cherries in a blender and you have your jam! It may look like it isn’t going to taste good but trust me—it’s delicious!
3.) Raspberry Jam : Another great fruit-based jam! This one can be made on purpose or by accident when you don’t have any fresh raspberries on hand…
4.) Apple Jam : A very simple recipe that I found in French cooking magazine. Since apple season isn’t as popular as lately (thanks for letting me know about this!), this recipe will work perfectly for apple jellies too! Here’s how:
5.) Pear Jam : This recipe makes two batches so even if you have nothing in stock this time around, one batch will do… If you are interested in keeping up with all these recipes check out my blog regularly!
This post is long. It started as a short summary of my personal approach to product design, marketing, and sales. I hope what I have written here will help you develop your own approach to these things, and that it has been useful to you in your own journey. I’d be happy to hear feedback on this or any other posts or thoughts related to design, marketing, or sales.
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